INSPIRE Report: A Roadmap to Authentic Community Engagement

A roadmap for effective community engagement in healthcare: Final report from INSPIRE Phase 1

INSPIRE (Initiating National Strategies for Partnership, Inclusion, and Real Engagement) is a collaborative and coordinated team of organizations and people with lived experience committed to advancing the practice of authentic community engagement (CE) in the US healthcare system.

Phase 1 of INSPIRE consisted of a year-long research and strategic planning phase that included collecting feedback from 300 individuals across sectors and the nation. Activities included several listening sessions, targeted literature analysis, key informant interviews, and a field survey.

The resulting report provides a roadmap for how healthcare organizations and people with lived experience can realize the full potential of authentic CE to build trust, advance health equity, create cost-savings and efficiencies, and create healthy and thriving communities. From compensating people with lived experience to creating trauma-informed spaces, learn how you can build stronger connections, get genuine feedback, and advance equity in your community.

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Our goal is for the roadmap and recommendations in the report to be implemented across the country. Use our toolkit to share the report with your colleagues, organizational leadership, partners, and network.

INSPIRE Core Organizations

Partnering People With Lived Experience


Get in the water: Authentic community engagement programs meet community members where they are.


PFCCpartners Knowledge Cafe Report